From student to Commercial Data Analyst

Everyone at Seacon Logistics has their own expertise. About 700 specialists direct our clients’ logistics chain every day. As a student, I was looking for a large company with a good name for a work placement to do my graduation thesis. As a Venlo native, I already knew Seacon Logistics as a leading international company. My research ultimately led to an appointment as a Commercial Data Analyst. 

Research on internal changes
I submitted an open application to Seacon Logistics and ended up in the Sales and Marketing department, where I conducted research into internal changes. Seacon operates in a broad field with various modalities and branches at home and abroad. My research focused on bringing departments together into one even bigger unified whole. My research became part of the Seanovation project, which my colleague Manon has written about previously. 

From business to strategy
My work placement fell in a special period because it was in the middle of the pandemic. Because of that, I worked from home a lot. That meant we learned to use other ways of working and communicating within Seacon as well, such as digital meetings and app traffic. This is an interesting development for both internal and external use, which I will investigate further and which we can use as a basis for further innovation. 

During my work placement, I gained good insight into how Seacon works and I learned a lot from my colleagues who’d already been working in the organisation for a long time. From business to strategy, I learned about everything. Including about how Seacon works with its customers and partners. Now I bring this experience to my current position, which gives me a good basis for my work. 

Professionalising and structuring
My goal is to structure and professionalise the sales department further. I’m working on that together with Frank Hermans. I really enjoy the combination of his experience and my new perspective and I’m learning a lot. My job includes training account managers at external locations, for example at VVV-Venlo. These are interactive sessions that revolve around communication, vision and stepping out of comfort zones. 

It’s good that Seacon involves young people in the work process directly. That gives you a strong sense of being taken seriously and you quickly become engaged in the company. This is one of the reasons I joined Seacon after my studies, and I hope to continue developing here in the years to come. 

3 September 2021

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